The Knightly News Marian Council 3914 Phone: 629-7202
Mark Your Calendar
Winners/Losers Good of the Order $14.25 was won by George DeMarco. The Attendance Award of $20 was won by George Tregoning. The meal was Sloppy-Joes, Roast Beef, Burgoo, and Spanish Rice, yum,yum. TEAMWORK The most talented individuals in the organization going off in different directions will seldom reach the same heights that they would if they joined forces and synchronized their efforts," TEAM means Together Everyone Accomplishes More. Here are examples of methods to make a successful team:
There are challenges that we need to work together to resolve. We need everyone to do their part for the TEAM and be part of any solutions we work out. We have an advantage in that we are united in prayed under God. As we succeed we will celebrate together. Remaining in Charity and Fraternity Craig Deluhery COUNCIL Ron Jagodzinski ran a Chicago style CHILLI COOK-Off for Super Bowl Sunday. Votes had to be bought and they cost 10¢ each. The coveted SILVER SPOON AWARD was won by the Tregonings. The voting proceeds went to the Disaster Fund. The members area was pretty well filled. Thanks to all who brought food and to Ron J. The January Ballroom Dance was canceled due to booking error, but the February one was held as scheduled. Due to his busy schedule, Rich is stepping down as Dance Manager. We cannot afford to cancel over $3000 of band contracts and ideas are circulating on how to improve profitability. There are 10 more dances scheduled for this year which need some guiding hands to be successful. Now is the time to give a few hours for the team. Come forward or say yes if asked. Fish Fries are still going strong. Good Job to all who helped or attended. A whole lot of work will happen in Lent with 4 fries in 5 weeks, so please make yourself a part of it. Even if you are not asked, we can always use cleanup help and you get a great fish meal. A KC Social Dinner is planned for Friday, Feb 23 at 6:30 PM. The adult dinner will probably be chicken and will be a very reasonable cost. I am requesting that all members make an attempt at fitting this into your schedule, especially if you havent been at the club for a while. We need to enjoy some fun times. Call Jim Corredato or put your name on the list at the club so you wont have to cook at home that night. If you can, bring a dessert to share. MEMBERSHIP Please make sure your dues are paid for 2001. If you have a change of address or phone number please pass this information to Jim Corredato. The theme for the current membership campaign is Lift High The Cross. Spread the good news of Columbianism and ask a man to join the K of C. Remember- Membership is everyones business. COMMUNITY I hope you attended the Riverton Foundation for Education fundraiser on Friday, Feb. 9. A dance and silent auction were planned. The last time the high school used the building for testing, it worked so well for them they are planning to do it again on April 25& 26. Good luck to the students. CHURCH Our Newman Fund is $395 short of our goal. Please consider being a quarter century member by donating $25. After 4 years you will be a member of the Century Group. Send a check to to club c/o Craig Deluhery. Two brother knights Rich Pottier and Craig Deluhery recently trained alter servers for St. James. FAMILY& YOUTH The winner of the $100 savings bond at the Spelling Bee on Jan 27 was Chris B. Sescond place winner of a $50 bond (donated by ladies) was Gina C. The other finisher to advance to District is Jason A. Congratulations to all participants. The Ladies ran a Teen Dance on Jan 27. Thanks to all who helped and cleaned up. Another dance is scheduled for Feb 24 coordinated by the knights. BUILDING Our January utility bill was almost $2000 due to a 63% increase in gas cost and record cold weather. The electric may go up 40%. The new thermostats have kept it from being even higher. Your help is needed for ideas to reduce energy cost OR for fundraising ideas. Bring them to the next meeting. Two Rentals were held in January. Thanks to all clean-up teams for keeping the club looking in fine shape. If YOU or someone you know need the club for a rental, please make arrangements now. There are many prime dates still open and we need your help to fill them. The Garage is now amazingly clean in preparation for remodeling as a breading room. Bartenders- A 2001 POLKA schedule will be posted at the club and all bartenders are expected to volunteer for 1 or 2 of these events. Ladies NewsThe next regular meeting will be on Feb 18 after the 11:00 mass. THANKS
to Joe Schmidt for constantly putting up the letters on the sign. Keep in Your Prayers The family of Wilma Siebert who passed away, and for Willi Roscetti and Shorty Frasco. Notes: Newsletter items should be brought to meeting or e-mail to: Must see- new state